Pro Tips for Cat Owners

20 Pro Tips for Best Cat Owners

The KittyFurry’s Master Class

Discover the secrets to becoming the best cat owner with master-class pro tips from KittyFurry! Understanding feline behaviours, from the early morning wake-up meows to the reasons why they scratch.

Learn about the benefits of adopting, choosing the right breed for your family, and find tips on ensuring your cat’s health and well-being in the long run.

Don’t miss out on these 20 pro hot topics that every cat lover should know!

🔥🐾 Become a Master For Your Cat! 🐾🔥


Attention, Cat Enthusiasts!

Are you ready to move your feline game to the next level?

The universe of cats is vast and mysterious, but with the right guide, you can become the ultimate cat whisperer.

💬 Read below raving reviews from fellow cat lovers.

“After reading master-class pro tips from KittyFurry, I finally understand my cat’s quirky behaviors! It’s a bestseller!!!” — Alicia M.

“This isn’t just a guide – it’s a bible for every cat owner. My bond with my cat has never been stronger!” — Martha H.

“I know almost everything about cats, but this master-class pro tips from KittyFurry proved it’s not all. Every cat enthusiast needs to read this!” — Sophie L.

🚀 Dive into the Master Class

Every tip is a revelation, every insight a game-changer. This isn’t just another cat article, it’s a transformative journey that will redefine how you bond with your feline friend. Prepare to be amazed, enlightened, and inspired.

You Can Achieve Mastery! 🐾

Join thousands of satisfied cat lovers who have transformed their feline relationships. Don’t miss out on this unparalleled opportunity to understand the enigmatic world of cats like never before.

🔥 Why read?

  • Unlock Secrets: Your cat serenades you at dawn or have an obsession with your furniture? Decode these mysteries and more!
  • Adoption Mastery: Discover the profound benefits of adopting from a shelter and the joy it can bring into your life.
  • Tailored Advice: From the playful kitten to the majestic adult cat, get tailored advice that suits every feline’s age and personality.
  • Harmony at Home: Introduce new cats seamlessly, ensure their well-being, and create a harmonious multi-pet household.
  • Cost & Care: Manage the responsibilities of cat ownership without breaking your home budget.

🚀 Catapult Your Knowledge

  • The transformative benefits of adopting from a shelter.
  • Picking the purrfect cat for your unique lifestyle.
  • Taming the wild – dealing with bites, scratches and dawn chorus.
  • Furniture vs. Feline: Winning the battle.
  • Litter box blues? We’ve got the solutions!
  • Feeding frenzy: From kittens to adults, get the lowdown on nutrition.
  • Multi-pet households: The art of the introduction of a new family member.
  • Long-term health and happiness strategies for your feline friend.
  • …and SO much more!

Don’t Just Be an Owner – Be a Cat Maestro! 🐱

KittyFurry’s master class opens a new chapter in your cat journey. It’s more than just information — it’s a transformation. With every chapter, watch your connection with your feline deepen. Ready to be the cat maestro everyone turns to? Begin your journey now!

List of Topics (click on a topic to jump directly to that chapter):

  1. Why consider adopting a cat from a shelter instead of buying one?
  2. How do I choose the right cat for my home and lifestyle?
  3. What to do when a cat bites and scratches me?
  4. Why does my cat wake me up?
  5. Why do cats scratch furniture and how can I protect my belongings?
  6. What to do when a cat doesn’t use the litter box?
  7. Which cat breed is best for families?
  8. How and what should I feed kittens?
  9. How many meals should a cat have daily?
  10. What should kittens drink compared to adult cats?
  11. How do I introduce a new cat to other pets in the household?
  12. How can I ensure my cat’s health and well-being in the long run?
  13. What are the procedures and formalities involved in adopting a cat from a shelter?
  14. How do I help my newly adopted cat adjust to its new environment?
  15. What should I do if my cat displays unwanted behaviours?
  16. How do I prepare my home for the arrival of a new cat?
  17. What are the benefits of adopting two kittens at the same time?
  18. What are the monthly costs associated with cat ownership?
  19. What are the options if I want to help cats but am not ready for adoption? (e.g., fostering, virtual adoption)
  20. What should I do in the first few days after bringing a cat home to ensure a smooth transition?


Why consider adopting a cat from a shelter instead of buying one?

Every year, countless cats find themselves in shelters, waiting for a loving home. Adopting a cat from a shelter not only gives a feline a second chance but also makes a strong statement against the commercial breeding industry.

Kitty Furry says: “Hey, human! Did you know when you adopt me from a shelter, you’re giving me and another kitty a chance at a better life? Plus, we’ve got tons of love stored up just for you! ❤️”

Benefits of Adopting from a Shelter

  • Giving a second chance
  • Cost-effectiveness 
  • Diverse selection

Adopting a cat from a shelter provides them with a second chance. Many of us have been abandoned, feeling lost or resigned. By choosing adoption, you’re giving a cat a new lease on life and a loving home.

It’s also more cost-effective. The adoption fee usually covers vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and a health check. This can be significantly less than the costs associated with buying a cat, especially when considering the long-term care and potential health issues of cats from commercial breeders.

By adopting, you’re helping to fight against overpopulation. Millions of cats enter shelters each year. Adopting reduces the strain on these facilities and ensures more cats can be cared for.

Lastly, shelters offer a diverse selection. Whether you’re looking cat of a specific breed, age, or personality, you’re likely to find the perfect match right at a shelter.

Things for Consideration

While adopting is a noble act, it’s essential to understand that some shelter cats might come with past traumas or health issues. It’s crucial to be patient and provide them with the love and care they need to adjust to their new home.


How do I choose the right cat for my home and lifestyle?

Finding the perfect feline companion is like matchmaking. It’s essential to consider both the cat’s personality and your lifestyle to ensure a harmonious relationship.

Kitty Furry says: “Choosing me isn’t just about how cute I am (though I am pretty adorable!). It’s about finding a buddy who vibes with your lifestyle.”

Factors to Consider

  • Activity Level
  • Age of the Cat
  • Compatibility with Other Pets
  • Special Needs or Medical Conditions

When considering the activity level, think about your daily routine. If you’re active and want a playful companion, a younger cat or certain active breeds might be a good fit. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a more relaxed and independent cat, older cats or specific breeds might be more suitable.

The age of the cat can also influence your decision. Kittens, while adorable, require a lot of time, patience, and training. Adult cats often have established personalities, making it easier to find one that fits your lifestyle. Senior cats can be a joy to adopt, offering a calm presence and requiring less active playtime.

If you have other pets, compatibility is crucial. Some cats get along well with other animals, while others prefer to be the sole feline in the household. It’s essential to introduce new pets slowly and under supervision.

Lastly, consider if you’re equipped to handle a cat with special needs or medical conditions. These cats can be incredibly rewarding to care for but may require additional time, resources, and patience.

Things for Consideration

Every cat is unique, with its own quirks and personality. Spend time with potential feline friends at the shelter to get a sense of their character. And remember, while it’s essential to find a cat that fits your lifestyle, be open to the possibility that the right cat might choose you!


What to do when a cat bites and scratches me?

Cats, with their playful nature and hunting instincts, sometimes exhibit behaviours that can be challenging for their owners. Biting and scratching, while natural for felines, can be concerning when directed at humans. Understanding the reasons behind these actions and knowing how to respond can help foster a harmonious relationship between you and your furry friend.

Kitty Furry says: “Hey, I don’t mean to hurt you! Sometimes I get a bit too excited or scared. Let’s figure this out together, okay?”

Understanding the Behaviour

  • Playfulness: Cats, especially kittens, often use their teeth and claws during play. It’s essential to teach them appropriate play behaviours and provide toys to redirect their energy.
  • Fear or Aggression: Sudden movements, loud noises, or unfamiliar situations can make a cat defensive. Recognizing the signs of an agitated cat can help prevent bites or scratches.
  • Overstimulation: While some cats love being petted, they might become overstimulated if it’s too much or too long. Watch for signs like tail flicking or skin twitching.

Preventing and Managing the Behaviour

  • Interactive Toys: Engage your cat with toys like the RollKitty™ Interactive Ball (link) or the Furry Feather Frenzy (link) to allow them to “hunt” and pounce without using their claws on you.
  • Grooming Tools: The FurGlow™ Grooming Brush (link) can help reduce overstimulation by providing a soothing grooming experience.
  • Training: Use positive reinforcement to reward good behaviour. If a cat starts to bite or scratch during play, redirect their attention to a toy.
  • Safe Spaces: Ensure your cat has a safe space to retreat to if they feel threatened or overwhelmed. Consider adding the EcoPlay™ Sisal Tower (link) for them to climb and relax.
  • Regular Playtime: Regularly scheduled play sessions with toys like the Primal Melodies™ Catnip Balls Set (link) can help burn off excess energy and reduce aggressive play.

Things for Consideration

It’s essential to approach a cat with patience and understanding. If aggressive behaviours persist or if you’re concerned about your cat’s actions, consider consulting a veterinarian or a cat behaviourist. They can provide insights into any underlying issues and offer guidance on managing the behaviour.


Why does my cat wake me up?

The early morning serenade of a cat can be both endearing and exasperating. While it’s charming to think your feline friend just wants to say “good morning,” there are often specific reasons behind this vocal behaviour. Let’s dive into the world of cat communication to understand why your kitty might be giving you that early wake-up call.

Kitty Furry says: “Morning, human! I know it’s early, but there’s a whole world out there, and I just wanted to share it with you… or maybe I’m just hungry.”

Reasons Behind the Behaviour

  • Hunger: One of the most common reasons cats meow in the morning is to signal that their food bowl is empty. Cats are creatures with habits and might be used to being fed at a particular time.
  • Attention: Cats are social animals, and sometimes they just want some attention or playtime.
  • Boredom: If a cat has been inactive all night, they might be looking for some action by the time dawn rolls around.
  • Instinct: Cats are crepuscular, which means they’re most active during the dawn and dusk. This instinctual behaviour can lead to early morning vocalizations.

Managing the Behaviour

  • Scheduled Feeding: If hunger is the culprit, consider adjusting your cat’s feeding schedule. A small meal before bedtime might help curb those early morning hunger pangs.

  • Interactive Toys: Keep your cat entertained and reduce early morning wake-up calls with toys like the RollKitty™ Interactive Ball (link) or the Furry Feather Frenzy (link).

  • Comfortable Resting Spots: Ensure your cat has a cosy place to rest with products like the KittyComfort™ Dual-Layer Mat (link).

  • Consistent Routine: Cats thrive on routine. Keeping a consistent bedtime and wake-up time can help align your cat’s internal clock with yours.

  • Safe Outdoor Access: If you have the space and it’s safe, consider adding an EcoPlay™ Sisal Tower (link) to your home. It provides a stimulating environment for your cat and can reduce early morning disturbances.

Things for Consideration

While it’s essential to address the reasons behind your cat’s early morning meows, it’s equally important not to reinforce the behaviour. If you consistently respond to your cat’s meows by feeding them or giving them attention, they’ll learn that meowing gets them what they want. Instead, try to address the underlying cause and establish a routine that works for both of you.

For a deeper dive into understanding why your cat might be giving you those early morning wake-up calls, check out KittyFurry’s article:

The Early Morning Wake-Up Call: Why Your Cat Wants You Up Before the Alarm?


Why do cats scratch furniture and how can I protect my belongings?

The sound of a cat’s claws on your favourite couch or chair can be a heart-stopping moment for any cat owner. While this behaviour might seem destructive to us, for cats, it’s a natural and essential activity. Let’s delve into the reasons behind this behaviour and explore ways to protect your furniture without curbing your cat’s instincts.

Kitty Furry says: “Scratching isn’t just a fun pastime for me; it’s a need! But don’t worry, with a bit of understanding and some clever solutions, we can keep both your furniture and my claws happy.”

Understanding the Behavior

  • Marking the Territory: Cats have scent glands in their paws. When they scratch, they’re marking their territory both visually and with their scent.
  • Claw Care: Scratching helps remove the dead outer layer of their claws, keeping them sharp and healthy.
  • Stretching: It’s also a great way for cats to stretch their bodies and flex their feet and claws.
  • Stress Relieving: Scratching can be a way for cats to relieve stress or express excitement.

Solutions and Management

  • EcoPlay™ Sisal Tower: Dive deep into the heart of every cat lover’s desire with the EcoPlay™ Sisal Tower (link). This tower encourages healthy scratching and rubs off their claws, ensuring your furniture stays pristine. Crafted with 60% wood and 40% sisal, it’s not just durable but also a chic addition to your home decor. Plus, it’s eco-friendly and made from recyclable materials.
  • Provide Alternatives: Invest in scratching posts or pads. Offering a variety of materials, like sisal, carpet, or cardboard, can cater to your cat’s preferences.
  • Placement is Key: Place scratching posts near the furniture your cat is inclined to scratch. This makes it easier for them to choose it over the couch.
  • Training: Use positive reinforcement to encourage your cat to use the scratching post. Sprinkling catnip or placing toys around it can make it more appealing.
  • Protective Covers: Use protective covers or tape specifically designed to deter cats from scratching. These can be placed on the corners of sofas or other favourite scratching spots.
  • Regular Claw Trimming: Keeping your cat’s claws trimmed can reduce the damage they can do to furniture.

Things for Consideration

Punishing a cat for scratching isn’t effective and can harm your relationship with them. Instead, focus on understanding the behaviour and providing alternatives. If your cat suddenly starts scratching more than usual or seems obsessed with it, it might be worth consulting a vet or cat behaviourist to rule out any underlying issues.


What to do when a cat doesn’t use the litter box?

Discovering that your cat has chosen a spot other than their litter box can be frustrating. However, understanding the reasons and finding solutions is crucial to ensure a happy environment for both you and your feline friend.

Kitty Furry says: “Trust me, I don’t avoid the litter box just to annoy you. There’s always a reason, and together, we can figure it out!”

Understanding the Behaviour

  • Medical Issues: Health problems, such as urinary tract infections or kidney issues, can cause a cat to avoid the litter box. It’s essential to consult a vet if you notice sudden changes in litter box habits.
  • Cleanliness: Cats are meticulous creatures. If the litter box is dirty, they might look for cleaner spots.
  • Location: If the litter box is in a noisy or hard-to-reach area, your cat might avoid it.
  • Type: Cats can be picky about the type of litter. Changes in texture or scent can deter them.

Solutions and Management

  • KittyComfort™ Dual-Layer Mat: This mat is designed to trap stray litter particles from your cat’s paws, saving you cleaning time and reducing litter costs. Just shake off the litter back into the box or dispose of it through the easy-open pocket. It promises cleanliness, comfort, and a touch of luxury for your beloved feline. The mat’s texture actively scrubs your cat’s paws, ensuring they stay clean and healthy. Plus, it’s eco-friendly, made from high-elastic EVA foam, and offers a gentle massage for your cat’s paws. Learn more about KittyComfort™ Dual-Layer Mat.
  • Regular Cleaning: Ensure the litter box is scooped daily and cleaned thoroughly at least once a week.
  • Multiple Boxes: If you have more than one cat, it’s a good idea to have multiple litter boxes. The general rule is one box per cat, plus one extra.
  • Appropriate Location: Place the litter box in a quiet, accessible location. Avoid areas near their food and water.
  • Gradual Changes: If you’re changing the type of litter, do it gradually by mixing the old and new types to help your cat adjust.

Things for Consideration

Always approach the situation with patience. Punishing your cat won’t solve the problem and might make it worse. If you’ve tried multiple solutions and the problem persists, consider seeking advice from a cat behaviourist or veterinarian.


Which cat breed is best for families?

Choosing a cat breed that aligns with your family’s lifestyle and preferences can be a delightful yet challenging task. While every cat is unique, certain breeds are known for their family-friendly traits. Let’s explore the world of feline breeds and find the purrfect match for your household.

Kitty Furry says: “Remember, it’s not just about the breed, but the bond! However, some of my feline friends are naturally more family-friendly.”

Popular Family-Friendly Breeds

  • Maine Coon: Known as the “gentle giants” of the cat world, Maine Coons are sociable, affectionate, and get along well with children and other pets.
  • Ragdoll: Their name (“rag doll”) says it all! Ragdolls are laid-back, and loving, and often go limp when you pick them up. They’re great with kids and other animals.
  • Birman: Sweet-natured and playful, Birmans are known for their striking blue eyes and love for their human companions.
  • British Shorthair: With a calm demeanour and sturdy physique, British Shorthairs are patient and tolerant, making them great for families with young children.
  • Scottish Fold: Recognizable by their unique folded ears, Scottish Folds are playful and enjoy being part of family activities.

Aspects to Think About

  • Activity Level: Some breeds, like the Bengal or Abyssinian, are known for their high energy levels and need for play, while others like the British Shorthair or Ragdoll tend to be more relaxed.
  • Grooming Needs: Long-haired breeds such as Persians or Maine Coons require regular grooming to prevent matting and tangles. This can be a bonding activity but also a responsibility.
  • Temperament: While Siamese cats are known for their vocal nature and outgoing personalities, Scottish Folds are generally quieter and more reserved. However, individual cat personalities can vary, so it’s essential to spend time with a cat before bringing it home.
  • Health Considerations: Some breeds might have specific health concerns. It’s crucial to be aware and prepared for potential health needs:
    • Persians often have dental issues due to their brachycephalic (flat-faced) structure.
    • Maine Coons can be prone to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a form of heart disease.
    • Bengals may be at risk for certain inheritable diseases like progressive retinal atrophy.
    • Sphynx cats, being hairless, can be prone to skin issues and require regular bathing to remove oil buildup.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Adopting a mixed breed from a shelter can also bring joy to a family. They might not come with a pedigree, but they come with a lot of love!”

Things for Consideration

While breed characteristics can guide your decision, it’s essential to remember that every cat is an individual. Meeting and spending time with a cat, understanding its personality, and considering its needs are crucial steps in making the right choice for your family.


How and what should I feed kittens?

Kittens are balls of energy, curiosity, and rapid growth. Providing them with the right nutrition during their early months is crucial for their development and overall health. Let’s dive into the essentials of feeding these little feline furballs.

Kitty Furry says: “Growing up is hard work! I remember my kittenhood days; I was always hungry. Make sure those little ones get all the nutrients they need.”

Kitten Nutritional Needs

  • Proteins: Kittens require a diet rich in protein to support their rapid growth and development.
  • Fats: Essential for energy and the absorption of certain vitamins. Kittens need a higher fat content than adult cats.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals are vital for bone growth.

Feeding Guidelines

  • Type of Food: Wet food is often recommended for kittens due to its high moisture content, but a combination of wet and dry can also be beneficial.
  • Frequency: Kittens have tiny tummies but big energy needs. It’s best to feed them in small amounts multiple times a day. Typically, kittens should be fed 3 to 4 times daily.
  • Transitioning to Adult Food: Around one year of age, you can start transitioning your kitten to adult cat food. Do this gradually over a week to avoid upsetting their stomach.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Always ensure fresh water is available! Even if those little ones are drinking milk, they need water too.”

Things for Consideration

  • Avoid Cow’s Milk: Many kittens are lactose intolerant, and cow’s milk can cause digestive upset. If you wish to give them milk, opt for specially formulated cat milk.
  • Monitor Growth: Regular vet check-ups will ensure your kitten is growing at the right pace and not becoming overweight.
  • Safe Environment: Ensure that food is given in a safe, quiet place where the kitten feels secure. This promotes healthy eating habits.


How many meals should a cat have daily?

Feeding your feline friend the right amount and at the right intervals is essential for their health and well-being. While cats are known for their independent streak, they do thrive on routine, especially when it comes to mealtime. Let’s explore the ideal feeding schedule for cats.

Kitty Furry says: “Ah, mealtime, my favourite time of the day! But remember, it’s not just about quantity, but also consistency.”

Feeding Guidelines

  • Kittens: Due to their rapid growth and boundless energy, kittens require more frequent meals. It’s recommended to feed them 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Adult Cats: Most adult cats do well with two meals a day. However, the exact number can vary based on the cat’s health, age, and activity level.
  • Senior Cats: Older cats might have different nutritional needs and may benefit from smaller, more frequent meals, especially if they have health issues that affect their appetite or digestion.

Aspects to Think About

  • Cat’s Preference: Some cats might prefer multiple small meals, while others are content with one or two larger meals.
  • Activity Level: Active cats may require more calories and, consequently, might benefit from more frequent meals.
  • Health Conditions: Cats with specific health conditions, like diabetes, might need a specialized feeding schedule. Always consult with a vet in such cases.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Consistency is key! Try to feed me at the same times every day. It helps regulate my internal clock and keeps me happy.”

Things for Consideration

  • Feeding Freely: While some owners opt for free-feeding (leaving food out all day), it’s not always the best choice. It can lead to overeating and weight gain, especially with dry food.
  • Controlling Weight: Regularly weigh your cat and adjust feeding amounts if they’re gaining or losing weight.
  • Fresh Water: Always ensure there’s fresh water available, regardless of the feeding schedule.


What should kittens drink compared to adult cats?

Hydration is essential for all living beings, and cats are no exception. While cats are known to have a low thirst drive, ensuring they get adequate fluids is crucial for their health. Let’s dive into the drinking habits of kittens and adult cats.

Kitty Furry says: “Water is life! But when I was a tiny furball, I had some different drinking preferences.”

Kittens’ Drinking Needs

  • Mother’s Milk: For the first few weeks of life, kittens primarily rely on their mother’s milk for nutrition and hydration.
  • Kitten Formula: If the mother cat isn’t available or if the kittens are orphaned, a specially formulated kitten milk replacer is essential. Avoid giving kittens cow’s milk as it can cause digestive issues.
  • Transition to Water: Around 4 to 6 weeks of age, kittens start the weaning process and begin to show interest in water. It’s essential to provide them with a shallow bowl of fresh water, replenished regularly.

Adult Cats’ Drinking Needs

  • Fresh Water: Adult cats should always have access to fresh, clean water. Even if they’re on a wet food diet, which provides some hydration, a separate water source is crucial.
  • Wet Food: Incorporating wet food into an adult cat’s diet can help with hydration, especially for cats that aren’t keen on drinking water.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Flowing water is fascinating! Many of my feline friends, including me, love drinking from running sources. Consider getting a cat water fountain; it might encourage more drinking.”

Things for Consideration

  • Monitor Intake: Sudden changes in a cat’s drinking habits can be a sign of health issues. If your cat starts drinking excessively or not at all, consult a vet.
  • Bowl Placement: Cats prefer their water source to be away from their food. Consider placing the water bowl in a different location than the food dish.
  • Cleanliness: Ensure the water bowl is cleaned regularly to prevent bacterial growth.


How do I introduce a new cat to other pets in the household?

Introducing a new cat to a household with existing pets can be a careful balancing act of personalities. Whether you’re bringing in another cat, a dog, or even a bird, the introduction process requires patience, understanding, and a step-by-step approach.

Kitty Furry says: “New friends? It’s so exciting! But, please, let’s do it slowly. We felines are creatures of habit, after all.”

Steps for a Smooth Introduction

  • Isolation Period: Start by keeping the new cat in a separate room with all their necessities. This allows them to adjust to the new environment without the added stress of meeting other pets.
  • Scent Swapping: Before visual contact, let the pets get used to each other’s scent. Swap bedding or toys between the new cat and existing pets.
  • Controlled Introduction: After a few days, allow the pets to see each other through a barrier, like a baby gate. These sessions should be short and then progressively longer.
  • Supervised Meetings: Once they seem comfortable with visual contact, allow them to meet in a neutral space such as a spare room, a hallway, or a seldom-used bathroom under supervision. Ensure the space is escape-proof and distraction-free.
  • Monitor Play and Interaction: Look out for signs of aggression or extreme fear. Some hissing or growling is normal, but prolonged aggressive behaviour needs intervention.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Remember, first impressions matter! A positive initial interaction can set the tone for a lifelong friendship.”

Things for Consideration

  • Take Your Time: Don’t rush the process. Depending on the pets’ personalities, it can take days or even weeks for them to adjust to each other.
  • Safety First: Ensure all pets are healthy and up-to-date on vaccinations before the introduction.
  • Seek Expert Advice: If the introduction isn’t going smoothly, consider seeking advice from a veterinarian or animal behaviourist.


How can I ensure my cat’s health and well-being in the long run?

Cats, with their independent nature and self-sufficient demeanour, can sometimes give the impression that they’re little trouble to maintain. However, ensuring their health and well-being requires consistent care, attention, and love. Let’s explore the essentials of long-term feline care.

Kitty Furry says: “I might have nine lives, but I still need you to help me make the most of each one!”

Critical Aspects of Feline Care

  • Regular Vet Visits: Annual check-ups are crucial to monitor your cat’s health, catch potential issues early, and keep vaccinations up-to-date.
  • Balanced Diet: Feed your cat high-quality, nutritionally balanced food. Monitor their weight and adjust portions as needed.
  • Exercise and Play: Engage your cat in regular play sessions. Our RollKitty™ Interactive Ball (link) and Primal Melodies™ Catnip Balls Set (link) are perfect for keeping them active and mentally stimulated.
  • Grooming: Depending on the breed and coat length, regular grooming might be necessary. Products like the FurGlow™ Grooming Brush (link) can help in maintaining their coat’s health. Even short-haired cats benefit from occasional brushing to reduce shedding and hairballs.
  • Mental Stimulation: Cats are curious creatures. Provide them with interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and safe outdoor experiences (like a catio or leash walks) to keep their minds sharp.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Did you know? A purring cat doesn’t always mean a happy cat. Sometimes, I purr when I’m in pain or anxious. Always keep an eye on any changes in my behaviour.”

Things for Consideration

  • Good Hydration: Cats aren’t always good at drinking water. Ensure they have constant access to fresh water, and consider incorporating wet food into their diet.
  • Safe Environment: Create a safe, cat-friendly environment. This includes securing toxic substances, plants, and small objects that can be swallowed.
  • Social Needs: While cats are often seen as solitary, many enjoy companionship. Consider the social needs of your cat and think about adopting a second cat if suitable.


What are the procedures and formalities involved in adopting a cat from a shelter?

Adopting a cat from a shelter is a noble and rewarding decision. However, it’s not just about picking a cat and bringing it home. Shelters have specific procedures and formalities to ensure the well-being of the cats and to make sure they’re going to a safe and loving environment.

Kitty Furry says: “Adoption is a journey of love. But remember, it’s a commitment, not just a whim. Make sure you’re ready for all the purrs and affectionate nudges!”

Steps to Adopting from a Shelter:

  • Search: Start by checking your local shelters and understanding their adoption process. Each shelter may have its own set of requirements and procedures.
  • Visit the Shelter: Spend time with the cats. Interact with them, and let one (or more!) choose you. Shelter staff can also guide you based on your lifestyle and preferences.
  • Interview or Counseling Session: Some shelters conduct interviews or counselling sessions to understand your living situation and to ensure you’re prepared for the responsibility.
  • Filling Out an Application: This typically includes details about your residence, family members, any existing pets, and your experience with cats.
  • Adoption Fee: Most shelters charge an adoption fee, which often includes vaccinations, microchipping, and sometimes spaying/neutering.
  • Home Visit or Inspection: Some shelters might require a home visit to ensure it’s a safe environment for the cat.
  • Adoption Agreement: This is a formal agreement where you commit to taking care of the cat, providing necessary medical care, and not abandoning or giving up the cat without proper reason.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Adoption is forever. It’s not just about saving a life; it’s also about committment. Make sure you are ready for this journey.”

Things for Consideration

  • Post-Adoption Support: Some shelters offer post-adoption support, including advice on cat care, behaviour, and any adjustment issues.
  • Consider Adopting in Pairs: Cats can be social creatures. If you’re thinking of adopting, consider adopting two, especially if they’re bonded.
  • Patience: The adoption process might take time. It’s essential to be patient and understand that the procedures are in place for the well-being of the cats.


How do I help my newly adopted cat adjust to its new environment?

Bringing a new cat home from a shelter or adoption centre is an exciting time. However, for the cat, this transition can be overwhelming. A new environment, new people, and possibly other pets can be a lot to take in. Let’s explore ways to make this transition as smooth as possible for your new feline family member.

Kitty Furry says: “New places can be scary, even for a brave cat like me. A little patience, understanding, and lots of love can make all the difference.”

Steps to a Smooth Transition

  • Safe Space: Initially, set up a quiet and secure room for your cat with all their essentials – litter box, food, water, and a cosy bed. This allows them to adjust to the new smells and sounds in a controlled environment.
  • Gradual Introduction: If you have other pets, introduce them gradually. Start with scent swapping and short supervised meetings, increasing the time as they feel more comfortable.
  • Routine: Cats are creatures of habit. Establishing a routine for feeding, playtime, and rest can help them feel more secure.
  • Play and Interaction: Spend quality time with your new cat. Play, petting, and talking can help build trust and bonding.
  • Hideaways: Provide hideaway spots or elevated places where your cat can retreat if they feel overwhelmed. This can be in the form of cat trees, shelves, or even cardboard boxes.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “While I may seem independent, I thrive on routine and familiarity. Give me time to adjust, and soon I’ll be your purring companion for life!'”

Things for Consideration

  • Behavioural Changes: Observe your cat for any sudden behavioural changes. If they seem overly stressed, aggressive, or withdrawn, it might be worth consulting a vet or cat behaviourist.
  • Health Check: Ensure your newly adopted cat gets a health check-up soon after adoption. This ensures they’re in good health and helps address any potential issues early on.
  • Patience is Key: Every cat is different, while some of them might adjust within days, others might need weeks. Be patient and understanding of their needs.


What should I do if my cat displays unwanted behaviours?

Cats, with their unique personalities and quirks, can sometimes exhibit behaviours that might be challenging for their owners. From scratching furniture to nighttime bursts of energy, understanding and addressing these behaviours is crucial for a harmonious household.

Kitty Furry says: “I promise that I am not naughty for the sake of being naughty! There is usually a reason behind my antics.”

Common Unwanted Behaviors and Solutions

    • Scratching Furniture: Cats have a natural instinct to scratch. Introduce them to the EcoPlay™ Sisal Tower – LARGE (link), a perfect alternative to your furniture. Additionally, use deterrents like double-sided tape on furniture. Positive reinforcement when they use the scratching post can also help.

    • Nighttime Activity: Cats are crepuscular, which means they’re most active during dawn and dusk. Engage them in play sessions during the evening with the RollKitty™ Interactive Ball (link) or the Furry Feather Frenzy (link) toy to tire them out before bedtime.

    • Aggression: This can be due to various reasons, including fear, territorial disputes, or health issues. Identify the cause and address it. In some cases, consulting a cat behaviourist might be beneficial.

    • Litter Box Issues: Ensure the litter box is clean, placed in a quiet location, and there are enough boxes if you have multiple cats. Medical issues can also cause litter box aversion, so a vet check might be necessary.

    • Grooming: Regular grooming is essential for your cat’s well-being. The FurGlow™ Grooming Brush (link) is perfect for keeping your cat’s fur in top condition, reducing shedding and potential hairballs.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Communication is key! If I’m acting out, there’s probably a reason. Let’s figure it out together.”

Things for Consideration

  • Avoid Punishment: Cats don’t understand punishment. Instead, it can lead to fear and further behavioural issues. Positive reinforcement is more effective.
  • Environmental Enrichment: Providing a stimulating environment with toys, interactive feeders, and climbing structures can prevent many unwanted behaviours.
  • Health Check: Sometimes, behavioural changes can be a sign of underlying health issues. Regular vet check-ups and monitoring for sudden changes are essential.


How do I prepare my home for the arrival of a new cat?

Welcoming a new cat into your home is an exciting adventure. However, before the big day arrives, it’s essential to ensure your home is cat-ready. Such preparation not only makes the transition smoother for the cat, but also prepares the ground for a happy and healthy life together.

Kitty Furry says: “A new kingdom to rule? How thrilling! But a few preparations can make my royal entry even more majestic.”

Steps to Cat-Proof Your Home

  • Safe Space: Designate a quiet room for your cat’s initial days. Equip it with essentials like a litter box, food, water, and a cosy bed.
  • Remove Hazards: Cats are curious creatures. Ensure toxic plants, chemicals, and small objects that can be swallowed are out of reach.
  • Secure Windows and Balconies: Cats love to perch on windowsills. Ensure windows have secure screens, and balconies are cat-proofed to prevent any accidental falls.
  • Hideaway Spots: Cats appreciate having places to retreat and hide. Provide boxes, tunnels, or even dedicated cat furniture for them to explore and relax in.
  • Scratching Solutions: To protect your furniture, invest in scratching posts or mats. Place them near the furniture your cat might be tempted to scratch.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Exploration is in my DNA! But sometimes, my curiosity can get me into a bit of a pickle. Help me stay safe while I embark on my indoor adventures.”

Things for Consideration

  • Food and Water Bowls: Choose shallow bowls for food and water. Cats often prefer their whiskers not to touch the sides when they eat or drink.
  • Litter Box Location: Place the litter box in a quiet, easily accessible location. Use the KittyComfort™ Dual-Layer Mat (link). If you have multiple floors, consider having a box on each level.
  • Toys and Play: Stock up on toys to keep your cat entertained. Interactive toys, feather wands, and laser pointers can be great for play sessions. You can try the RollKitty™ Interactive Ball (link) or the Furry Feather Frenzy (link).


What are the benefits of adopting two kittens at the same time?

Adopting a kitten is a joyous occasion, but have you ever considered adopting two? While it might sound like double the trouble, there are numerous benefits to bringing home two kittens simultaneously. Let’s delve into the reasons why two might be better than one.

Kitty Furry says: “Two heads are better than one, especially when they’re both chasing the same laser dot! Double the fun, double the purrs.”

Benefits of Dual Adoption

  • Companionship: Kittens are playful and energetic. Having a sibling or a playmate means they can entertain each other, reducing feelings of loneliness, especially when you’re not around.
  • Social Development: Interacting with a fellow kitten helps in social development. They learn essential skills like grooming, play etiquette, and communication.
  • Easier Training: Kittens often learn by observing. If one kitten picks up good habits, like using the litter box, the other is likely to follow suit.
  • Shared Energy: Two kittens can tire each other out with their play sessions, leading to more peaceful nights for you.
  • Reduced Behavioral Issues: With a companion to interact with, kittens are less likely to develop behavioural issues stemming from boredom or loneliness.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Remember the times we’d play hide and seek or chase each other’s tails? Ah, sibling fun! It’s always better when you have someone to share the mischief.”

Things for Consideration

  • Space: Ensure you have enough space in your home to accommodate two active kittens.
  • Cost: While many of the initial costs (like toys, and litter boxes) might be shared, remember that there will be double the vet bills, food costs, and other expenses.
  • Bonded Pairs: If adopting from a shelter, consider looking for kittens that are already bonded. They’ll likely have an easier time adjusting to a new environment together.


What are the monthly costs associated with cat ownership?

Owning a cat is a rewarding experience, but it also comes with financial responsibilities. From food and cat litter to unexpected vet bills, it’s essential to be prepared for the monthly costs to ensure your feline friend receives the best care possible.

Kitty Furry says: “Living the lavish cat life isn’t free, you know! But every purr, affectionate nudges, and cuddle makes it worth every penny.”

Breakdown of Monthly Costs

  • Food: Depending on the brand and type (wet or dry), cat food can be one of the most significant monthly expenses. Remember, quality matters, and feeding your cat a balanced diet is crucial for their health.
  • Cat Litter: The type of litter (clumping, non-clumping, crystal) and how often it’s changed can influence the monthly cost.
  • Toys and Treats: While not a necessity, toys and treats contribute to your cat’s mental and physical stimulation.
  • Routine Vet Care: While not strictly a monthly cost, annual check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive treatments (like flea and tick medications) should be budgeted for.
  • Grooming: Depending on the breed and coat length, you might need to spend on grooming supplies or professional grooming services.
  • Insurance: Pet insurance can help cover unexpected medical expenses. Monthly premiums vary based on coverage and the cat’s age and health.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Regular check-ups and a good diet can save on unexpected vet bills in the long run.”

Things for Consideration

  • Unexpected Costs: Accidents, illnesses, or other unforeseen events can lead to unexpected vet bills. It’s wise to have an emergency fund or consider pet insurance.
  • Initial Costs: The first month might have additional expenses like adoption fees, initial vet visits, and setting up your home with essentials like a litter box, bed, and scratching post.
  • Quality vs. Quantity: Investing in high-quality food and products might have a higher upfront cost but can lead to savings in the long run by preventing health issues.


What are the options if I want to help cats but am not ready for adoption?  (e.g. fostering, virtual adoption)

Not everyone is in a position to adopt a cat permanently, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make a positive impact on the lives of felines in need. There are several ways to support and help cats without making a long-term commitment.

Kitty Furry says: “Every bit of love and care counts, whether you’re my forever human or just a temporary guardian angel.”

Ways to Help Without Adopting

  • Fostering: Many shelters and rescue organizations are in constant need of foster homes. Fostering involves taking care of a cat temporarily until they find a permanent home. It’s a great way to provide love and care without the long-term commitment.
  • Virtual Adoption: Some organizations offer virtual adoption or sponsorship programs. You can financially support a specific cat’s care, and in return, receive updates and photos of your sponsored feline.
  • Volunteering: Shelters often need volunteers to help with various tasks, from cleaning and feeding to socializing and playing with the cats.
  • Donations: Monetary donations or supplies like food, toys, and bedding can make a significant difference in a shelter’s ability to care for its residents.
  • TNR Program (Trap – Neuter – Return): Help control the stray and feral cat population by participating or supporting TNR programs. This involves trapping stray cats, getting them neutered or spayed, and then returning them to their territory.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Every scratch post, every toy, and every bowl of food you provide makes a world of difference to a cat in need. Your kindness leaves paw prints on our hearts.”

Things for Consideration

  • Time Commitment: While fostering or volunteering might not be a permanent commitment, they still require time and dedication.
  • Emotional Attachment: Fostering can be emotionally challenging, especially when it’s time to say goodbye. It’s essential to remember the bigger picture – you’re providing a temporary loving environment, paving the way for a forever home.
  • Spread the Word: Even if you cannot help directly, raising awareness about adoption, foster care and other support methods can encourage others to act.


What should I do in the first few days after bringing a cat home to ensure a smooth transition?

The first few days after bringing a new cat home are crucial in setting the foundation for a lasting bond and ensuring the cat feels safe and comfortable in its new environment. Here’s a guide to help you navigate this exciting yet delicate phase.

Kitty Furry says: “New home, who dis? It’s all so unfamiliar! But with your help, I’ll soon be lounging on the couch like I own the place since forever.”

Steps for the First Few Days

  • Quiet and Calm: Initially, keep the environment quiet and calm. Limit the number of visitors and reduce loud noises to help the cat adjust without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Safe Room: Set up a designated ‘safe room’ equipped with essentials like food, water, a litter box, and a cosy bed. This space serves as a sanctuary for the cat to retreat to.
  • Gradual Exploration: Allow the cat to explore the rest of the house gradually. Supervise these exploration sessions to ensure safety.
  • Introductions: If you have other pets, introduce them slowly and under supervision. Start with scent swapping before allowing visual contact.
  • Routine: Establish a routine for feeding, playtime, and rest. Cats thrive on predictability, and a routine can help them feel more secure.

Kitty Furrys’ Tip: “Patience is the name of the game. I might be a bit shy or hesitant at first, but with time and your love, I’ll come out of my shell.”

Things for Consideration

  • Behaviour Monitoring: Keep an eye on the cat’s behaviour. Hiding is normal initially, but if the cat continues to hide or shows signs of stress after several days, consult a vet or cat behaviourist.
  • Health Check: Schedule a vet visit within the first week to ensure the cat is in good health and to address any potential issues.
  • Comfort Items: If the cat came with any items from its previous home or shelter, like a blanket or toy, place them in the safe room. Familiar scents can be comforting.


Embarking on the journey of cat ownership is a rewarding experience that comes with its unique set of challenges and joys. As we’ve explored in this comprehensive guide, understanding your feline companion’s behaviours, needs, and quirks is essential to fostering a harmonious relationship. From the early days of adoption to addressing common behavioural issues and ensuring their long-term well-being, every step requires patience, knowledge, and love.

Cats, with their mysterious allure and endearing antics, have a special way of weaving themselves into the fabric of our lives. By equipping ourselves with the right knowledge and tools, we can ensure that our feline friends lead happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives. Remember, every cat is unique, and while this guide provides a solid foundation, always be attentive to your cat’s individual needs and preferences. We wish you many years of purring, cuddling and shared moments with your moustachioed companion!

Kitty Furry and the Team ❤️

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